The 9 Most Common Causes of Back Pain

Your back is made up of a veritable network of muscles, nerves, bones and disks which, ideally, work in synchronized simplicity. Unfortunately, accidents, mishaps, aging, and other uncontrollable influences can put one heck of a strain on this delicate nerve center. You can Get information on causes of mild to severe lower back pain through this article that contains all inclusive information about the matter. 

The 9 Most Common Causes of Back Pain are:

  1. Strain
  1. Sprain
  1. Deterioration or degeneration
  1. Compression
  1. Cracking
  1. Breaking
  1. Misalignment
  1. Non-back pain elsewhere in your body

In your back’s infrastructure, only the muscles or tendons are subject to straining. Ligaments are susceptible to spraining. A strain has to do with exerting excessive pressure on an area of your back, while a sprain results from a sudden twisting or turning motion that results in a stretching or tearing of tissue.

The disks in your spine provide a cushion between the vertebrae. Because of the spinal cord is “command-central” for your nervous system. Disk deterioration or degeneration creates painful pressure on the nerves (compression) in the area of deterioration. Depending upon the severity of the degeneration, the pain can radiate to other areas of your back, and other areas of your body.

Your vertebrae, all 24 of them, can crack, break, or get pulled out of alignment. Other than obvious, external injuries, this cracking, breaking and misalignment can also be attributed to weight, pregnancy, and osteoporosis among countless other things.

There are also other ailments and conditions that can take place in your body to trigger back pain. Kidney conditions and pregnancy are just two of the types of conditions that can create stresses on the body that reverberates to the back.

Oddly enough, back pain is one of the most common dis-eases of the human body and yet, one of the most difficult to overcome. Why? Because, all to often, we are totally oblivious to the root cause of the back pain. This can be due either to our own ignorance about the issue, or, due to misdiagnosis. We psychologically tie our backs to great strength physically and metaphorically, but in doing so, we unwillingly overlook its correspondent fragility.

Here are 6 things you can do every day to optimize your back’s health:

  1. Improve your posture. Stand up straight.
  1. Avoid sudden jerking, pulling, and twisting movements, especially all at once.
  1. Do not reach or stretch beyond your level of reasonable comfort.
  1. Use a proper stance when bending or lifting.
  1. Distribute weight evenly to both sides of your body when carrying heavy bags.
  1. Purchase ergonomic (back- and body-friendly) furniture (home and office).

As much as you may like to think that you (men) are the Incredible Hulk, or you (ladies) are Wonder Woman, you are not in a movie and your back is not the star. Take a little time each day to be aware of your back and to give it the TLC it deserves. It will repay you with years of pain-free living.

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