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Low-Fat Substitutions in Cooking Can Help Weight Loss

[‘ Cooking your own food with flavorful and low-fat ingredients can help you to make food with a nutritional punch and help you to control your weight. I used to know a wonderful older lady who made delicious German chocolate cake. She proudly said that the secret to her cake was that she used applesauce in the recipe instead of the recommended vegetable oil. She would use a regular box mix and just substitute the apple sauce for the oil. Now, this was still a chocolate cake and not exactly diet food, but the substitution of apple sauce helped to make the cake a little more diet-friendly.

It is no secret that obesity is a major epidemic in the United States, a problem aggravated by eating fast food, high-fat food, and not getting enough exercise. It can be tough to eat wisely, especially if you eat out or eat on the run frequently. Although there are weight loss pills such as gocce idealica out there, the temptation is everywhere, with high-calorie snacks lining the shelves of grocery stores and convenience stores that are so easy to grab and eat.

It is possible to eat food that is flavorful, low in fat, low in calories, and healthy; but it does require some nutritional information and advance planning. One way to eat yourself skinny is to sneak in flavorful and low-fat ingredients as a substitute for fats, oils, and sugars.

Following are some tips to reduce the fat and calorie count of meals:

Substitute bananas or applesauce for oil in baked goods, such as muffins, bread, and cakes. Bananas have some natural oils and are rich in potassium and nutrients. The sweetest of the fruit also reduces the need for sugar in baked goods.

Use slices of avocados on sandwiches instead of mayonnaise or salad dressing. The avocado contains healthy oil that adds moisture, flavor, and nutrients to the sandwich.

Use lower-fat cuts of meat. Instead of the pricey rib eye or New York Strip, serve a flank steak. The lower price cuts of beef also tend to be lower in fat and calories and can be more flavorful. They may require longer cooking because they tend to be tougher than cuts with high-fat content.

Fish is a good alternative to high-fat meats. Broil or grill fish using herbs and spices for flavor instead of butter sauce. There are a number of great seasonings from fish, including soy, ginger, teriyaki, chili, Cajun, lemon, and more.

Serve lean ham or Canadian bacon instead of the higher fat sliced bacon, which should be avoided. Lean ham can be also be used as a flavoring in soups and other recipes.

Use skinless chicken and serve it broiled sautéed or baked instead of fried. Chicken is versatile and can be prepared a number of flavorful ways, such as poached in wine or tomato sauce. Turkey breast is another low-fat alternative that can be prepared in a variety of ways.

Use Olive oil or canola oil instead of butter or mayonnaise on bread, vegetables, and salads. Be cautious in using the oils, as they are still high in calories, so they should be used sparingly. The oils are a healthy option when compared to butter.

Use skim milk instead of whole milk to cut fat. Substitute low-fat yogurt for sour cream.

Use whole-grain bread instead of white bread because the grains add fiber and nutrients and more filling and satisfying than white bread.

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Incorporate fresh produce in the diet because it is nutritious, flavorful, and filling. Fruits especially contain natural sugar that can help in satisfying the sweet tooth.

Preparing your own food is a great way to control the ingredients and thus the fat and calorie counts of the food you eat. Substitute low-fat bur flavorful ingredients for a nutritionally sound and satisfying way to eat well and lose weight.

Who Else Wants to Discover the Secrets of a Sleep Disorders Lab ?

You finally succumbed to your spouse’s demands and consulted your doctor about your snoring problem. During your discussion about this issue, the doctor decides that a further study should be done to determine the actual extent of the problem. In this article, I will relay what I experienced during a sleep study test a few years ago.

The sleep study test, or polysomnogram, is a test that will measure and monitor the functions of air flow, respiratory effort, blood oxygen levels, snoring, and body positioning. In additions sensors will also monitor brain waves, eye movements and muscle activity. There was no pain involved in the test and very little discomfort at all.

In current times, this test needs to be conducted on a regular basis because the sheer number of people grappling with insomnia is quite high alongwith reading online resurge reviews that will help in keeping this disorder at bay but human indulgence prevents them from doing so.

I reported to the sleep lab at around 7 pm with my jammies and clothes for the next days work, as I planned to leave the sleep lab and report to my regular job. When I got there, I found the sleep technicians to be very pleasant and helpful. Each patient was assigned a private room with the standard hospital bed. After a brief orientation of the nights procedure, I was connected to over 20 sensors.

The sleep technician then explained the function of the CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) machine and let me try it on and experience the air flow. She demonstrated the machine and selected a mask that would fit my round face. Great, now I not only had to not tangle my numerous wires but I was going to be wrestling with a one inch plastic tube and face mask.

Around 8 pm all six of the patients there were ushered to their rooms. I climbed into the bed and the sleep technician connected all the wires to the computer network and instructed me to not roll over on the wires. She explained the first half of the test would be monitoring of my sleep patterns and the second half of the night would be using the CPAP machine and calibrating the air flow. She shut out the light and closed the door.

But not all the lights were off. There was a red light in the ceiling that glowed and bathed the room with a dim light. I asked that it be turned off. They did turn it off until I went to sleep and turned it on again.

Sometime later the sleep technician woke me up in order to place the CPAP mask over my face. She said they would be in to adjust the flow but that should not bother me.

The next thing I really remember was being roused from sleep so that the sensor leads and CPAP mask could be removed. I had survived the sleep test.

After getting cleaned up and dressed, I met briefly with one of the attending doctors who informed me the results would be mailed to me in a few days. Sure enough, the envelope arrived with the diagnosis of sleep apnea and steps were set in motion to obtain a CPAP machine of my own.

Today, my spouse and I again share the same bed. I have been using the CPAP machine successfully for a number of years.

Pokémon Go: Easy But Effective Tips To Help You Catch ‘Em All

If you have downloaded the Pokémon game, then you are already aware of what the basic principle of the game is. Yes! It is to catch as many pokemon you can. However, you need to put in a lot of effort and time into it. While playing the game can be time consuming, there are some really interesting tips that will help you catch a lot of Pokémon. We have jotted some of the best tips that we think are good to allow you play the game more efficiently. Take a look at them in this next segment or simply buy Pokemon go accounts for sale.

Best Pokémon Go Tips To Follow 

After a lot of research and consultation with the Pokemon Go players, as a beginner you can choose to follow these ultimate tips right now – 

  • What’s in Your Area –

before you start your exploration to catch different kinds of pokémons, you must be fully aware of what is in your area. Tap on the ‘Nearby’ menu and check out where the Poke Stops are and which pokémons are available here. You can start your journey by collecting them first and then move other localities.

  • Head To Poke Stops –

heading to the poke stops is a must for every player on a regular basis. The poke stops are usually important landmarks in the locality which can be a bus stop, park, etc. Heading to the stops will give you small loots everyday like Poke Balls, revives, potions, and other items. So they are going to help you collect more Pokémons in the course of the game.

  • Check Out For Lures –

lures are a brilliant way to attract more Pokémons in a particular area. If you see any poke stop with falling petals, then you must know that someone has used a lure. This is the best time to stand near the stop and wait for the Pokemons to appear before you can collect them. Lures can even attract rare characters.

  • Walking Is Ideal –

the best way to play Pokémon Go is by walking. It helps you to carefully check every area for the Pokemons. Also, the more you walk, the faster your eggs are going to hatch. Eggs are of three categories – 2kms, 5kms and 10kms. That is why it is essential to walk and get them hatched. Moreover, walking surely helps you to stay fit. Isn’t it so

  • Get Yourself a Buddy –

getting a buddy in the game will help you to earn more xp and level up the character quickly. You can choose any buddy you want from the “Buddy” option in the menu. It also helps you to earn candy that attracts rare characters in the game.

So, these are some of the best tips that you must follow while playing Pokemon Go. These will surely help you to improve your gameplay and increase your chances of catching more Pokémon over the course of time.

Glass Coating- Advance your Knowledge on a Broader Horizon

What do you do when you come across a new topic from which you can enhance your general knowledge? It will have mixed responses as about half the population is interested in learning new things and don’t rest until they have enough information about it in order to mitigate their insatiable hunger.

The other half is simply too lazy to bother about anything else other than wallow into self pity and engage in rebellion attitude with their elders which is quite irritable for them and they are not concerned with anything or anybody other than their own existence.

However, there are certain areas where you can enhance your knowledge and keep learning new things about it each day and we are going to look at one such topic that has been doing the rounds for a long time.

Science of Nature

You must have used glass for daily purposes in one form or the other and they are quite unique in the sense that they can be utilized by individuals from various fields be it factory workers, businessmen, carpenters, engineers, mine workers, corporate employees and so on.

There is an old saying that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder especially in an industry that is quite diverse in dealing with automotive products because it deals with cleaning and shining auto parts of cars that are of different designs.

Glass Coating is quite a unique topic that very few people seem to be interested in but that does not deny its importance for people who show genuine interest in it and this procedure closely relates to powder coating.

Glass coating that involves powder deals in industries such as wine, perfume, cosmetics and many such items that have contents that are vulnerable to ultraviolet rays and therefore require protection from them.

We all know that UV rays is an electromagnetic radiation that emanate rays of powerful wavelength that contains radiation that can damage these particles and even body parts fall prey to it if exposed for long.

It is this science of nature that makes coating of glass a process that protects the strong points of the contents found in the above mentioned items and many scientists have conducted laboratory tests to confirm their credentials.


Glass coating are best used or cleaning purposes with specialized equipment where the powder that is used for coating meets all the expectations of adherence to the surface of glass so as to avoid electrostatic attraction process of various metals.

It also needs to have normal room temperature so as to be perfect for washing oil, dirt, human waste, grease, etc. and the range entirely depends on the companies that have mastered the technique of glass coating.

The coating covers various dimensions of glass forms like square shape, cylindrical, rectangle or oval where the heat has to be controlled from time to time so as to avoid burning it up.

For more info regarding glass coating, you can click on this link to get a proper insight into what other benefits can be availed through this process.

Top-notch Advantages of using CBD!

In the past few years, CBD; cannabinoids have become quite popular all over the world as cannabis has been legalized in most parts of the world. Cannabis is not only used for recreational purposes, but it also has some of the fantastic health benefits and can be used to treat various serious health problems. CBD products are made using the extract from the plant of cannabis. These products are used as medication but don’t create a high effect as there is a negligible amount of THC, the high-effect producing chemical.

If you want to get more knowledge about CBD, then you must hear cannabis herald news as it contains all the information about CBD. CBD product is quite popular because of the fantastic benefits it offers. They offer treatment from almost all types of issues. CBD products are available in different forms, such as edibles, juices, tincture, etc. You can pick any one of them that suits you the most and enjoy the fantastic benefits of CBD products. Some of the best positive effects of using CBD products are mentioned in the following paragraph.

Most amazing benefits of CBD on your health 

Great treatment for acne

Acne is a common skin problem, but it is quite irritating as well as painful. There are various causes of acne, such as inflammation, oily skin, hormonal change, etc. No matter what is the cause of acne, you can easily treat it by using different CBD products. There are numerous medications that treat acne, but if you are looking for effective as well as quick results, then you must turn towards CBD. CBD consists of various anti-inflammatory issues that help you to treat acne and improve the health of the skin. CBD directly impacts the gland of our body and lowers the production of oil, which makes the skin fresh and healthy. So, CBD is one of the best treatments for acne and helps to keep skin glowing and healthy. There are various websites that you can visit for best cbd brands and use them for treating skin issues.

Benefits in Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome, better known as PMS, is a health disorder found in women. It is a quite irritating issue that can lead to some different problems such as cramps, bloating, mood swings. It is usually faced by women a few days prior to their periods date. Using CBD can provide much-needed relief in PMS. These symptoms of PMS are caused by a hormone in our body, known as prolactin. CBD lowers the effect of prolactin and provides you much relief in PMS. You can use different CBD products such as CBD gummies and liquid to treat PMS issues.

Ensures you get sound sleep

In modern times, where there is a lot of stress and tension, most people are facing sleeping issues. If you cannot get sound sleep, you will stay irritated for the whole day. It is necessary to get at least 9-10 hours of sound sleep. CBD is quite effective in treating sleeping issues and can help you to get sound sleep. Sleep has three stages, and the third stage is when you are in a deep sleep and get the most rest. Consuming CBD products helps you to get better quality of sleep as it ensures that you spend more time in the third stage of the sleep. If you are suffering from sleeplessness, then you must use CBD as it can get your proper sleep at night.

The secret to healthy hair

With the burgeoning pollution and high temperature, our hair goes through a lot of damage that makes them lose their shine and smoothness. If you want to keep your hair healthy and shining, then you must use CBD as it one of the effective treatments for issues related to hair. It keeps the scalp healthy and boosts the growth of hair. There are various ingredients in CBD, such as omega-6, omega-3, etc. which is quite beneficial for the healthy development of hair. It repairs all the damage done to hair and helps them to retain their good health. You can also treat some other hair related problems such as the dry scalp, hair fall using CBD hair care products.

To conclude, CBD has numerous benefits, and you can use it to treat different health issues related to different parts of your body.

How to Care for Your Elderly Hamster

Although it is difficult to accept, it is a fact of life that all of our pets will grow older. As your pet hamster moves into senior citizen status, be sure to take a few extra measures like using Independent Living Aids to make his final time more comfortable.

Once your hamster hits the 3-4 year age range, take a moment to review his living environment. You will need to make a few modifications to your hamster’s home as he grows older. Since his level of activity is decreasing, it is time to remove climbing tubes and upper levels. Since his balance isn’t what it once was, this safety precaution is for his own good.

Since your hamster is no longer able to climb as freely as he did in his youth, be sure to move his water bottle and food bowl to the lowest levels of his home. You don’t want to leave them on high levels or at the top of a climbing tube because if he is having a sore day, he won’t be able to muster up the energy to get to them. You never want to deny your hamster water or food!

Be sure to watch your hamster make sure that he is eating and drinking several times each day. A good measure of his food intake is to also watch for him to go potty. Hamsters tend to pick a favorite corner to do their business. Check this area and make sure there are consistent poop pellets and damp bedding from urine.

To encourage regular eating, offer your elderly hamster high nutrient treats such as Calci-Worms (calcium infused mealworms), spinach, or carrots. The extra boost will keep him healthy in his old age.

When your hamster is out of his cage for playtime, monitor his movements carefully. If he seems to be lethargic, or struggle, limit his time in hamster running balls or homemade playgrounds. You don’t want to cause your hamster any extra stress.

While you are holding your older hamster, take a moment to inspect his body. He should have clear, bright eyes. If they are dull, or sunken-in he may be dehydrated or sick. His fur should be clean and smooth. If there are patchy areas, he may have mites, or be pulling his own fur out due to stress.

If he has stopped cleaning himself, he may be nearing the end of his life. Hamsters will do whatever they must to keep their fur clean. If you notice excessive moisture around the hamster’s rear end, he may have a condition known as the wet tail. This is caused by stress and is usually fatal if not caught very early. Preventative antibiotics are available to boost your hamster’s immunity during stressful events such as moving, loud sounds in the house, excessive visitors (holidays, parties, etc.)

Also, check your hamster for lumps. They are prone to cancerous tumors and can develop them very rapidly. If a lump is found, it can be tested by a veterinarian to see if it is indeed cancerous.

With a little extra care and attention to your older hamster, you can ensure that he will have a safer, easier end of life.

5 Common Tile Mistakes to Avoid

Tile can be a great way to enhance any home improvement project, great or small. From a budget-friendly, kitchen-enhancing tile backsplash to an entire master bathroom makeover, tile can work wonders for any design or budget. But without the right skills, a tile job can easily go from bad to worse. Avoid these five common rookie tile mistakes and you’ll soon be on your way to tile success.

Wrong Grout

When choosing grout, thousands of color variations are available to suit any design theme you may have. But there are only two types of grout mix available — sanded and unsanded grout. Sanded grout should be used for the majority of your tile projects, while unsanded grout should only be used when thin joints, stone, or glass tile are in place.

Incorrect Layout

The layout of your tile is crucial to it looking professional and symmetrical. Lay out all tile from the center of the project and work your way towards the outside edges to ensure that all cuts remain the same size and the layout looks consistent. Tile spacers can also help keep grout lines straight on walls and floors.

Improper Substrate

When tiles are adhered to their substrate, the proper surface must be maintained to ensure the tiles stay put for as long as possible. This is especially true in cases where tiles come into contact with water such as in tubs and shower enclosures. By applying a cementious tile backer board in wet locations prior to the tile installation, you can ensure that water won’t damage materials behind tiles like drywall, wood, or insulation.

Misaligned Tile Joints

One of the biggest problems that amateur tile installers run into is aligning joints properly. It’s always a good idea to snap a 3-4-5 line on floors or walls that carry a long straight tile joint. From the center of the room, make a horizontal measurement three feet. Now make a perpendicular measurement vertically four feet. Next, connect the ends of the two lines with a five-foot measurement. Adjust the horizontal or vertical line until the diagonal measurement is exactly five feet for a perfectly square reference line every time.

Bad Cuts

Using a wet tile saw takes some skill and experience to get the cuts made right the first time. Cutting curves and angles may prove impossible for some. Trace the cut onto the tile using a pencil. Instead of attacking the sharp angle on the main line, make many smaller cuts perpendicular to the curve to create small ¼” slivers. Now use a tile nipper to break away the small slivers from the cut and a curve will form. A whet stone will allow you to smooth any rough edges from the cut.

The tiles used have to be of high quality alongwith the tools and none better than Makita to handle the job with perfection. You can read about Impact Driver Guide compares Makita Impact Drivers article online for further information about the efficacy of these tools.

Want To Buy Gucci Design Handbags- Go To This Blog To Learn More

What our grandparents always told that jealousy is not a good habit- they are right.  But what if this jealousy led to the origin of some healthy ideas? Every modern hipster wishes to look attractive, wear cool outfit, shoes, and accessories that please his or her eyes, which also results in boosting their confidence. After all, this 21st century is for fashionistas. For this, we want to wear branded clothes and accessories, and the brand will never betray you.

Branded clothes and accessories are not merely manufactured in factories by simply cutting and suiting the cloths. But they are created in the imagination of a team, a team of the diversified fashion designer. So wearing branded clothes or hanging branded designer handbags is like crafting your personality that boosts your confidence. There are a lot of brands that offer you each product in a unique style that suits you. Want to know more about brand value, then go to this blog to learn more.

Is Brand Affordable

It is a generalized question; there are thousands of brands outside, which tirelessly make an effort to be competitive in the market. These brands can be categorized in different affordability range. If you consider a high-end brand, there are very few in that range. Gucci is one of them; instead, you can say the most excellent brand of apparel and accessories in the world. And of course, not everyone can afford authentic Gucci design handbags and other products.

What we do if the high-end brand not affordable

Here the story begins. You attend a party where your closed one or many ones with high-end brand clothes, shoes, Gucci design handbags, whereas you are in an ordinary outfit and accessories. But you can’t afford, or even if you can afford them, it may be a costly and impactful affair. You start jealousy and start looking for an alternative.

Remember, never go with the fake or scam where you buy cheap items on the name of the brand. These fake items may have the same external design and looks like a logo, but believe me, you can easily get caught and cannot prevent yourself from making fun in the party. Here is the alternative in the form of a replica.

Alternative to brand

The brand is a brand! There are hardly any alternatives, but there is always a way to make your style and wish affordable. Try replica of Gucci design handbags and other products, and you are suggested to go to this blog to learn more about replicas. Replicas are not authentic Gucci, but they are original. The quality of the canvas and other materials used in the replica is the same what Gucci design handbags have.

Also, the design internally as well as externally is the same. Can you believe even the stitching is also the same as what you in authentic Gucci design handbags? They are long-lasting, and no one can feel you embarrass as they are never able to differentiate between replica and the authentic Gucci.

Secrets of Making the Best Dog Food Meals

If, like thousands of other dog owners, you want to know exactly what your dog is consuming, then maybe you would want to consider making your own dog food. is also there to help you with the best tips and recommendations that you can follow in order to make the best dog food on your own. 

Believe it or not, making your own dog food doesn’t have to be a very lengthy and time-consuming process. You would make meals for your family, so why not make them for your beloved dog as well?

There have been many arguments over commercial dog food recently and also a few recalls for one reason or another. You know exactly what you are feeding your dog when you make your own food for him or her from scratch. You may find that making homemade food in bulk, and freezing it for later consumption will often work out slightly cheaper than buying commercial wet and dried foods as well!

When making your own dog food, there are a few things that you will need to bear in mind. Some food that is suitable for humans will not necessarily be suitable for dogs. There are some foods that are poisonous to dogs and will make them very ill indeed! Therefore, before embarking on your cooking frenzy, I would highly recommend consulting recipes specifically with dogs in mind, or check out what dogs can and cannot eat. You should, ideally, consult your vet before changing major things in your dog’s diet, and they will be able to point you in the right direction if this is the first time you are making your own dog food.

A dog needs a diet that consists of the following: 40% meat, 30% vegetables, and 30% starch. If you follow this formula, you will ensure that your dog is getting all the nutrients it needs to be fit and healthy for many years. You should remember to always cook any meat before feeding it to your dog; you do not want to give it food poisoning! Meat such as liver, kidney, and other organs are considered very healthy for your dog and eggs as well. You can use meat such as turkey, chicken, and lamb, but be sure to rotate your dog’s food so that it has a great variety. This way he or she will not get bored and start to turn their nose up at it!

Think about adding garlic to your homemade dog food, not only is garlic a natural repellent for fleas, but dogs enjoy eating it, but be aware that raw or spoiled garlic will make your dog ill, so again, consult your vet before you decide to do this.

For the starch requirements in your dog’s diet, you could use things such as cooked pasta, rice or potatoes. Alternating these with the meat and vegetables will enable you to make a great variety of food for your dog, and you will also find that you will learn to make dog food whilst you are cooking your own meals. Just don’t get them mixed up!

When you start feeding your dog your very own brand of dog food, you should initially add a little bit of commercial dog food to it to allow your dog to adapt easily. You can use wet or dried, depending on what they were eating beforehand. You must also remember never to feed your dog any chocolate manufactured for humans; it is very bad for their health and could potentially be very harmful!

If you remember all of the above when making your own dog food, I guarantee your dog will enjoy it, and you will have bundles of fun making it. Be creative and see what you can come up with!

The Latest Collection Of Dooney &; Bourke “Signature” Women’s Designer Handbags

The Dooney  amp; Bourke original “DB Signature” handbag collection features Dooney  amp; Bourke’s most popular classic satchel, totes, hobo and slouch designs. These chic and classy designer handbags are made to compliment any outfit all year round while still maintaining their fashionable look. Here are a few of Dooney  amp; Bourke’s latest collection of “Signature” designer handbags.

Medium Logo Lock Satchel

The Dooney  amp; Bourke Medium Logo Lock Satchel features a Dooney  amp; Bourke logo lock design at front with Dooney  amp; Bourke signature allover pattern. This sophisticated satchel has an inside key hook, short leather drop handle, leather trim, inside zip and cell phone pocket. The Dooney  amp; Bourke Medium Logo Lock lined handbag is available in colors black, brown, ocean, turquoise, black, brown t-moro and tan with red trim. Visit Dooney  amp; Bourke online for more available colors.

Large Cindy Tote

If you are looking for a spacious and stylish designer handbag, the Dooney  amp; Bourke Large Cindy Tote is the ideal tote handbag for weekend errands or everyday use. The Dooney  amp; Bourke Large Cindy Tote has an inside key hook, short leather handle, inside zip and cell phone pocket. This trendy lined tote has leather trim, an allover Dooney  amp; Bourke signature logo pattern and zipper closure. The Dooney  amp; Bourke Large Cindy Tote is available in colors black, brown, mushroom, and tan with red trim.

June Bag

The Dooney  amp; Bourke June Bag is the top of line designer bag in the Dooney  amp; Bourke Signature Collection that has a beautiful allover signature logo; lavish leather trim, two outside pockets and side leather tassel ties. The Dooney  amp; Bourke June handbag has one inside zip pocket, inside key hook, magnetic snap closure and cell phone pocket. This lovely lined women’s designer handbag has a short leather handle and is available in colors black, brown, brown t-moro, mushroom and tan with red trim.

Dooney amp is one brand that is easily relatable to the natural choice of a woman when it comes to handbag and June Bag is no exception as it is available in various structures and designs, with the color pattern being an added bonus. Women are so enamored with it that they consider any information related to it as luxurytastic information.

North/South Bucket Bag

Look extra sharp and chic with Dooney  amp; Bourke North/South Bucket Bag. This captivating designer bucket handbag has an inside key hook, long leather handle, one inside zip and cell phone pocket. The North/South Bucket Bag has an allover Dooney  amp; Bourke signature pattern with leather trim. This Dooney and Bourke original women’s designer handbag is available in colors black, hot pink, ocean, sunflower, turquoise and black.