Things That You Might Not Have Imagined That You Can Do At Microsoft Word!

If you are a student or a doing a job, you may be familiar with Microsoft word. You know about it except that you can write on that. There are so many features that Microsoft word offers a person. You may have noticed all the tools that are mentioned on the top but have you ever used them? Have you ever wonder that what is the use of them and for what they are used?

Most people will say they do not have any idea about that because people do not use these things regularly, and if they use the word once a week, they use it to write the article or for making their assignment which may not involve the use of some extra features. Sometimes when people actually need to get some extra in their official report, then they just ask the professional. But the thing is you can do that on your own, if you want to have the window computer, you can have the microsoft word free download for windowYou can have some great experience, and if you want to learn new things, you can check out this article!

Things you may not have any idea about….

It will not take so much time if you want to learn about the features that word has; it will only benefit you in making your projects and assignments. It will make your work a lot more easily, and you may need less time to do work. Here are some of the things that you can consider which help you in getting know that what are the things that you can do on Microsoft word?

Some of those features are mentioned in the following points-

Can add the watermark of your company’s logo- 

This is one of the amazing features that you can add if you are making any report for your company. Even if you are making a school project, you can add some of the main logo or slogan as the background’s watermark. It is one of the effective branding strategies that a company can use their logo at the back of their repot or the image.

If you want to showcase your brand and publicist your company and your brand, then this is one of the best features that you can use. It will help in adding the watermark in the background that will come at the faded image. You can add that at the top in the header or the bottom in the document’s footer that you are making.

 Create a blog- 

The next feature that you can enjoy from Microsoft word is that you can also create the bog. Blogging is not all easy to do, it requires a lot of skills, and if you talk about that, it also includes so many things like the text and images and the links from where you have gathered all the information. You can publish your new blog post by writing your blog in MS word easily, and you will get all the features you want to add.

Count the words that you have written- 

If you are making any assignment, you need to know the number of words you have already written? Every assignment has its word limit; there should be no more words than the limit, and there should not be fewer words than the limit. You can even count the characters that you have written and work according to that. The words are counted automatically in your documents and displayed to you in the status bar provided at the bottom.

If you even want to count the words in the paragraphs, you can also just select the paragraphs or the words you want to count, and it will be highlighted at the bottom.

Remove the area of the picture permanently- 

There is also one option called the crop tool, which is so great that you can remove the area of the pictures you have cropped. If you have cropped the image and do not remove the cropped area, then the area that you have cropped which cut out simply by the person to whom you have sent the image. You can do that just by following a few steps, and those are-

  • First, you need to select the image that is cropped.
  • Click on the option which says Picture Tools ribbons in the Format tab
  • Then you need to click on the compressed pictures
  • You can check in the check box ‘pictures delete cropped area’.

Find auto-recovered documents

You can lose a word document file in many situations, and if you have lost one file, that can be a big problem and create trouble for you. It can happen when you accidentally delete or quit the file without even saving the file or if you have some changes in the documents and quit the file without even saving the content. You can recover the lost document by following these points-

  • First, you need to click on the file tab
  • Then, click on the open option and click on recent documents
  • At the end of all the recent documents and then you can recover the document which is unsaved.

These are some of the benefits you can experience if you use MS word; you can enjoy many features that you don’t know about.

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