Behind the Ear Hearing Aids: All You Ever Wanted to Know

There are many different hearing aids on the market along with medications for instance Sonus complete about which you can learn from sonus complete reviews, though behind the ear or BTE type of hearing aids are the most commonly used hearing aids in the United States. When most people think of hearing aids, they immediately picture the behind the ear type of hearing aids. In most BTE hearing aids, the electronic component is covered by a plastic casing which is generally kept behind the ear. A tube from this housing extends into the ear canal through the use of an ear mold and can correct a wide range of hearing impediments, from the slightly impaired to the people who are almost tone-deaf.

Hearing aids were developed in the nineteenth century and were simply amplifiers which served to amplify the sound reaching the ears, the devices were cumbersome and expensive and were not very portable due to the abysmal battery life. Advances in technology, especially in physics and electronics made the behind the ear hearing aids much more portable and inexpensive over the years. Volume control mechanisms and other such improvements which served to make the wearing of hearing aids much more user friendly and comfortable to the wearer.

Behind the ear or BTE hearing aids come in a variety of colors and shapes, and with recent advances in hearing aid design and technology, are becoming less and less visible. The behind of the ear hearing aids are considerably better than those located in the ear canal since they are larger and amplify sound to a greater extent due to its larger amplifier and battery, this is especially important to people with a more severe hearing impediment. Behind the ear hearing aids are also cheaper when compared to hearing aids that fit into the ear canal and as such are applicable to a wider base of people.

Behind the ear hearing aids also have less ear canal irritation when compared to the hearing aids placed in the ear canal (since those placed in the canal have a larger, heavier instrument in the ear canal when compared to the BTE hearing aid).

Due to advances in modern technology, hearing aids especially behind the ear hearing aids will continue to get smaller and more portable, the BTE hearing aids will also have a much longer shelf life and require less maintenance and are to hearing accessory for those looking for the best “bang for your buck” when it comes to alleviating hearing loss.

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