Masticating Juicer- What you Need to Know

Are you looking for some juicy content? Well, this article is going to be of great use for those that are looking for a healthy morning lifestyle that has been eluding them for a long time and it will change things for them.

It is a known fact that youngsters are very particular about hitting the gym from early morning and sweating it out for hours in order to build a strong muscle massed and intimidating frame, which is why they are there.

Apart from regular exercise, it is the diet plan that keeps your body in good shape because a strong body is all about 80% diet and 20% exercise but most people assume it to be the other way round and hence don’t get the desired body structure that they want.

Juicy Morning

The gym trainer advises people to get up early in the morning and come to the gym half an hour after having a fruit and a glass of juice where some people simply put them together and have fruit juice.

It is a nice practice to drink a glass of juice before coming to the gym but what if it were made more delicious through a masticating juicer? It will be a welcome change for people that are fond of drinking juice every day.

A masticating juicer is basically a juice extractor that extracts juice from fruits and vegetable in order to make up a healthy drink that is called smoothie where the mixture gives vitality to perform weightlifting and cardio exercises.

It is also slowly extracts each and every ounce of juice present in the fruit so that the content would become tastier for people to try out and but this one is totally different from a centrifugal juicer.

A centrifugal juicer basically separates the fruit and pulp as separate identities but the masticating juicer mixes up both content so as to make the juice not just tasty but healthy as well.

It is not that one is better than the other but their similarity makes it important for people to try out both of them because none of them generate heat while extracting juice from fruit.

They don’t kill off the proteins, vitamins and nutritional quality of the fruits where sometimes you ignorantly consume the juice without realizing that the nutrients are not there.

Best Model

Philips comprises of the best masticating juicers in existence like the Philips Avance Micro that can handle everything from the softest fruit to the hardest vegetable like the cauliflower where you can get more than 95% of the juice from its source in a jiffy.

The unique features of Micro juicer is that it cuts the fruits into smaller pieces without damaging the nutrients where slow squeezing of each drop makes it easy for the juice to exude properly from the fruit.

The screw inside puts pressure on the fruit with such force that it immediately exudes juice at around 300 revolutions per minute, which is a remarkable thing to try out.

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