The Ninja RPG’s New Look: Introducing Core 2

The Ninja RPG has undergone a major renovation with the addition of Core 2! Core 2 is a brand new server that the Ninja RPG has adopted as its primary server. This decision was made to balance out the game and to stop the overpowering presence of some very shady work done by hackers in-game. Core 2 addresses a few problems that did hinder the playability of the original server, and a few new features have really balanced the game.

For new players, this is a great time to join the Ninja RPG because Core 2 has not been around for a long time and everyone starts on even ground. As of now, there are hard, if any, Special Jonin ranked ninja and rightfully so due to the increased difficulty in leveling up. In the original game leveling up took nothing more than a bit of time and patience, but now you have to plan the way you spend your chakra and stamina pools each time you advance a skill. Also, you can’t just jump straight into a fight anymore, just like a real ninja it will take time before you are ready to test your skills in battle.

Your starting regeneration rate has been set down from 5 to 1. This makes a huge difference in the availability of your stat pools when beginning the game and does not allow Ninja Academy students to progress very far in short amounts of time. Each move you make will reflect in the overall ability you have to level up your stats and move forward as a ninja. For all the Ninja fans the can use elo boosting that is one of the best-boosting services out there. 

One major downside to the move to Core 2 is the loss of popularity points. Before you could earn these points by voting for sponsors of the Ninja RPG, and in turn exchange these points for reputation and then turn these in for special abilities for in-game purposes. This means that the average player now has to purchase Reputation points with real cash, however, it has been discussed that the reintroduction of the Popularity point system is a major possibility.

Elemental damage is a change now to this game, and most people don’t realize that its nothing new, just made better in Core 2. Elemental damage is the increase or decrease in damage calculated to a player using a certain kind of element for either attack or defense. This mechanic was introduced in the original Ninja RPG but did not work as well as the creators would have liked. So with the introduction of Core 2, this very interesting and fun mechanic was reintroduced and made to actually work and make a difference in the battle

Now one last major change is the absence of the numbers by your health, chakra, and stamina during a battle. This is a big disadvantage for those of us who calculate each and every move, but then again it forces a player to pay more attention during a fight. Also, the damage is no longer calculated at a set rate, it varies from one attack to another. You may attack an enemy once and deal 5 damage then the next hit only does 3, again adding a bit of luck and uncertainty to this game.

Core 2 has brought with it some changes and a lot of controversies, but overall has a great feel and setting everyone on the same page is a big plus in drawing new crowds to the game. The element bonuses and the absence of preset damage limits bring a new dimension to the game and will help to stabilize play. So if you have not joined the Ninja RPG or have been putting it off now is defiantly the time to walk the path of the Shinobi and become a legend in the new Ninja RPG!

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