Is It The Right Decision To Shut Down The Game Minecraft Earth In This Pandemic Situation?

You must have heard the decision of shutting down the game Minecraft Earth. Pandemic is forcing Microsoft to shut it down because it can affect the lives of the people. If you will talk about Minecraft Earth, then it is the game that is designed to play free it is just like Pokemon Go. To play this game, the people have to move out of their houses; it is not the game that is limited to the T.V. screen or PC monitor.

On June 20, the game will shut down because of the pandemic, and it is somehow good because if people play the game, they will move out of their houses. In this COVID situation, people should not move out, and if they have to, then it should be only in the case of emergency and not because of playing the game. It is the best decision that someone can take because that is for the health of the people. But the things there are many other minecraft games that are available which you can play without any restriction or any problem. Now, most people may be wondering that there is no need to shut down or something; then you can read this article, and you will learn the reason that why it was important to shut down the game.

How is COVID dangerous for people if they play Minecraft earth?

Minecraft is one of the most popular and favorite games that people love to play, and when they heard that it is shutting down, it has become a great disappointment. If you are looking for the reason that explains that why is it so important for the company to shut down the Minecraft earth, then you can check out the points that are mentioned below-

  • As people know that Coronavirus is spreading in the whole world, last year people were so in danger, and now even after the vaccine has come, the situation in India is becoming out of control. People are dying, and it is the disease that spread from people, and if people come out of their houses, it will increase more.
  • Minecraft earth is a game in which you have to move out of your houses to play the game, it is just like Pokemon Go, and in this situation, it is not safe for people to move out of their houses.
  • If people play this game, they will come out of the houses and meet with each other, increasing the chances of spreading the virus even more. It will be stupid if the company does not shut down the game because it can become the reason for the death of people.
  • The virus is airborne, which is in the air, and Minecraft Earth is the game that is designed as the free movement of the people. And in this free movement game, they can lose their lives and get this dangerous disease that can affect their lives and not just their but also their family.

These are the reasons that why people should not move out of their houses in the pandemic because it can cost their lives, and people will not be able to live. And it is the right decision that has been taken to shut down Minecraft Earth because if they do not do that, people can lose their lives, and it can affect the work differently.

If they want, then there are many other minecraft java edition games that are available; they can play that game and enjoy it.

Different games that you can play of minecraft

Here are some of the different types of games that are available that you can choose to play, and those are mentioned in the following points-

Minecraft story mode

It is an episodic adventure game that was released in 2015. It is an interactive comedy-drama video game that has released so many episodes. In this game, the player can collect the items, solve puzzles, and you can even talk with the non-player character. You can talk or communicate with them through the trees, which are called the conversation trees. From there, you can learn about the game and the story and also learn what you can do next in the game. The situation in the game and the decision you have to take in the game will affect the events and situation not just in the episode that you are playing currently but also that will come later. The decisions that you need to take in the game should be taken with maturity; it is the game that people love and take control over. They can create the story they want. It can be very fun and interesting if they just try it for the first time, they can easily understand the game.

Minecraft Dungeons

The dungeon crawler game is so fun to play and has amazing graphics and music in the game. It is a simple game that a person can easily understand and play it. It does not have the feature of open-world; you do not have to do mining or building. In this game, the player has to explore the handcrafted dungeons filled with the monster, which are generated randomly, and the player also has to deal with many other things such as traps, bosses, puzzles, and they also have to find the treasure. If you are playing the offline game, you can play four people at a time, but if you think of playing online, then it is a multiplayer game. You can enjoy the game using the weapons of your choice. 

The Final Words

Minecraft has many games that you can play and enjoy, but you will not be able to play Minecraft earth after June 30 as it is going to be shut down, which is actually the right decision. So if you want to play Minecraft, you can choose any other option instead of Minecraft earth.

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