How to Find a Doctor Who Can Help Me Lose Weight

Step 1:

Understand that weight loss is a multi-faceted health issue. It is not just a matter of not being able to control how much you eat. You live in a world that is stressful and research has consistently shown that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in obesity. To find a doctor to help you with weight loss, you have to begin with the knowledge that you are a unique person. You may have specific medical, emotional, and/or mental issues that may be causing your weight gain.

Step 2:

Meet with your primary care physician and discuss a plan to begin find a doctor or two who can help you lose weight by addressing your own personal health history and medical issues. Make sure your physician understands that you want to explore the root causes for gaining weight and you are open to considering new techniques for weight loss along with considering counseling if that is necessary. Experts will guide the patients about resurge customer reviews to check them and make the purchase. The checking should be done with intelligence to get the desires results and effectiveness. The use of the technique should be done in the best possible way for availing with the benefits of the weight reduction. The rates of using the technique will be under the budget of the person. 

Step 3:

Think about when your weight gain started. Have you always been overweight, or did it start later in life? Can you think of anything stressful in your life which occurred around the time you started gaining weight? Are you parents overweight, and were you raised in a family that was sedentary or active? These are all important questions that you need to consider in order to know where to focus your efforts.

Step 4:

Write down your answers to these questions and put them into categories of genetics, environmental, mental/emotional and alternative. If you can time the weight gain to stressful events in your life, then it would go under mental or emotional. Likewise, if you feel that obesity runs in your family, then this would go under genetics and being raised in a sedentary home with poor nutrition would go under environmental. Include the details about all of these issues.

Step 5:

Search for good physicians using If genetics is an area that you need to focus on, then look for an endocrinologist in your area with positive feedback. If environmental factors are an issue, then a good internal medicine or environmental medicine doctor would be appropriate for weight loss. For counseling, look specifically for therapists who work mainly with individuals who wish to lose weight.

Step 6:

Consider alternative physician-directed programs for weight loss. You may be a person who has food allergies or intolerasnces causing you a variety of issues. You could also be a person who has a chemical imbalance that could benefit from naturopathic medicine. Do a search for a good naturopathic doctor who specializes in helping people with weight loss. Look for the latest techniques in weight loss, but make sure that there is ample research to support the efficacy and safety of them.


Step 7:

Schedule an appointment with more than one doctor. Make the appointments tradition and non-traditional. This means that you should have one appointment with a traditional doctor, such as an endocrinologist, and an appointment with a non-traditional physician, such as a naturopathic physician. Only use physicians who are open to working with others as a team.

Step 8:

Focus on the results. Write down your starting measurements including weight, blood pressure, symptoms of health problems, medications you are on and even body fat percentage . Measure these at the beginning of treatment and every three to six months afterwards. If you are not seeing progress in some of these areas consistently, then with your physician(s), reassess your approach again.

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