4 Cctv Camera System Terminology

The automatic electronic shutter is the alternative of an auto iris. CCTV cameras must be able to preset the scene illumination so that it could identify the overall brightness of the video it needs. The camera measures the level of illumination it gets and then decides whether it needs more or less light before it adjusts its iris in the auto iris lens. However, since auto iris can be a very expensive technology, CCTV cameras are equipped with AES. With the use of AES, standard iris lens will be used on the average settings that will then regulate the shutter speed of the CCD chip. The AES will increase the shuttering if the illumination is bright and decrease the shuttering if the illumination is low. If you have auto iris, make sure to turn the AES off. AES is being measured by seconds.

AGC or Automatic Gain Control

AGC is used to activate or boost the video signal in order to sustain usable illumination. The advantage of using AGC is that it helps amplify the illumination if the scene falls under the defined usable level. However, this technology has its own set of disadvantages. First of all, as you amplify the video signal, you also amplify the noise level on the process. Sometimes this disadvantage outweighs the advantages of using AGC. It is helpful if your CCTV camera system gives you more options such as AGC low, medium and high. CCD overcharge is also another disadvantage of using AGC. The AGC reduces the lifespan of your camera and reduce your camera’s image quality.

ATW or Auto Tracing White Balance

This camera specification is an extension of the AWB or the Auto White Balance. Since the AWB requires manual user action in order to provide color balancing when exposed to changing illumination environment, the ATW will adjust the color balance for color temperature based on the illuminating scenarios.

AWB or Auto White Balance

The auto white balance feature allows you to adjust the white and gray scale parameters based on the color temperature of the scenery. If there are certain changes in the illumination like for example you moved an indoor CCTV camera in the outdoors where the illumination is high, the ATW will help the AWB to adjust the color temperature to create a more pleasing image quality.

CCD or Charged Coupled Device

The CCD is the electronic chip placed just behind the distributor cctv jakarta. The chip is placed just behind the lens, allowing it to immediately convert the analogue light waves that hit the surface of the CCTV camera into a digital image data.

TVL or Television Lines

TVL is how CCTV camera resolution is measured. Consequently the higher TV lines the camera is capable of producing, the clearer image it presents. In other words, higher number of lines means higher image resolution.

WDR or Wide Dynamic Range

Wide dynamic range is a camera feature that enables you to tune the overall brightness down without affecting the overall quality of the image. This feature is very helpful for doorways where the background of the camera is typically too bright that the facial image display becomes too dark. In such a case, the CCTV installer would turn the WDR on to tone down the overall brightness of the camera, giving you clear image display.

Shutter speed

The shutter speed determines how detailed the video is. The faster shutter speed, the more snap shots per second it can present. Now, the shutter speed works in correlation with the illumination. The faster the shutter speed, the lower illumination it presents. The slower the shutter speed, the brighter illumination it presents.

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